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What Alumnae Chapters DON'T DO

Before I became a part of PCCA, I was like many of you- raising a family, keeping the house in some sort of order, running from activity to activity, attending those elementary school choir concerts disguised as PTA meetings, permanently carrying a canvas folding chair in my car, running to the craft store for last minute school project supplies, trying to grow a successful and prosperous career, and about to lose my mind.

I often wanted to discover Delta Zeta again but a long list of reasons stood in the way (see above) plus a few more. I told myself that I didn’t have time to commit to DZ and I certainly didn’t have the funds for dues, fees, and DZ Foundation donations. I told myself that I was connected to the sisters from my college days and that was enough even though I didn't see them often. Plus, I gave back to my community by participating in PTA, soccer fundraising, my church, girl scouts, and <insert your favorite philanthropy here>. And finally, I certainly don’t have time for all those email invitations that fill up my overflowing inbox to activities that I don’t have time to attend.

Despite all of the excuses, something kept drawing back to Delta Zeta…back to something that belonged exclusively to me. I longed for friendships that didn't necessarily tie to my daughter's activities, work, or church. I wanted to connect with something that had meaning and enriched my life.

So I attended my first event, which let’s face it, was incredibly awkward and a kin to walking into the lunchroom on your first day at a new school. However, I stuck it out. I am glad that I did because I learned something important. I learned what alumnae chapters DON’T DO.

  • They don’t charge monthly dues or fees. One annual membership dues payment of $50 is all it takes.

  • They don’t require a huge time commitment. Each alumna member determines how much time she can devote to DZ.

  • They don’t require additional donations for philanthropy activities. PCCA builds a small amount into our dues for scholarship, the egg hunt we sponsor, and other philanthropic activities. But, you are always welcome to give more!

  • They don’t require you to be on a committee or hold an office. Each alumna member determines the areas in which she wants to participate

  • They don’t require you to attend EVERY event. Just come when you can because the more, the merrier!

  • They don't have formal meetings where you need to dress up.

  • They don’t require you to do chants and sing songs. We recite the creed on Founder’s Day and that’s about it. But, you are always welcome to chant and sing songs from Delta Zeta.

So, what are you waiting for? Join PCCA and discover Delta Zeta all over again. Email me if you have questions. Click here to see upcoming events.

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