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2018 Convention Re-Cap

Hello PCCA family!

I’m Stephanie Begley the current Vice President of Programs for PCCA. This past summer, I had the opportunity to attend my fourth Delta Zeta Sorority National Convention. My first time attending Convention was in 2004 when I was Vice President of Programs for the Iota Psi Chapter at the University of Texas at Arlington (UTA). It was held in Florida and I had no clue what to expect! I was so overwhelmed with all the pink and

green, turtles, and amazing women that I got to call my sisters. My favorite memory of that year was staying up late with my roommates and learning the different customs of their chapters. I had no clue of some of the different things each chapter did--special songs, traditions, etc. It truly was an experience I will never forget.

I have now gone three more times and each time has been better than the last. I have gone twice as an alumnae chapter representative or president, and now as Collegiate Chapter Director. It’s hard to say which one is my favorite, but this past one is hard to top because I got to see it though the fresh eyes of the chapter women and my chapter was able to re-gain its position in business meetings. Convention is such a magical and exhaustive time that it’s hard to put into words, but I’ll do my best.

From meeting up with old friends, ones you have chatted with over Group Me or in

Zoom’s, to making new friends because “is anyone sitting here” is generally your introduction line to get a seat for food! Each convention I have made new friends from the sea of sisters and deepened existing friendships. This was even more true this year! The part that always has the most impact and memories for me each convention has been who I’ve roomed with during convention. I mentioned earlier about my collegiate experience, but each time as alumna, my convention experience was what it was from the roommate I had. From dancing with the iron (not plugged in), wondering how we got ready in 20 minutes flat, making room decorations to spruce up our “home” that week, road tripping, sight-seeing and so much laughter; your roommate during that time is your biggest supporter. It’s from this, your friendship becomes so much stronger than it ever could have been.

This year’s convention accomplished all of that and more-- the Day of Service at Pier 39, making an “alumnae recruitment video”, marking off a to-do list of things to see in San Francisco (including recreating the Full House Intro video), to Matt Nathansan (swoon). I also was completely in awe to the beauty of seeing convention body use Parliamentary procedure to present and discuss something that will affect chapter members for years to come and reaching a unanimous decision on it this convention truly was one for the minutes! (Props to our Vice President of Administration and Parliamentarian during that five hour business meeting!).

I honestly believe that convention is something that everyone should attend at least once! While it does cost a bit, you will get out so much more than the monetary expense. Start saving now and join us in 2020 back in Cali!

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