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Member Spotlight: Stephanie Begley

Tell us a little about yourself. Hey there, I'm Stephanie Begley! I graduated from The University of Texas at Arlington (UTA) where I joined the Iota Psi chapter. I graduated with my Bachelor's degree in Criminology/Criminal Justice and moved to the Pennsylvania/New York area not too long after that for work. After a few years, the travel glamour had worn off and I relocated to the Houston area for just under 10 years. While there, I held many positions within the Houston Alumnae chapter, including Vice President Programs, Vice President of Membership, and President. I made so many wonderful friends who are now like family! When I decided to move back to Dallas/Fort Worth, I landed in Frisco, TX working for a bank in Richardson. I'm currently the Collegiate Chapter Director for the Iota Psi chapter and have been since September 2017. Life has been a crazy whirlwind the past few years, but I wouldn't change it. :)

  1. Why did you join Delta Zeta? I joined DZ because they were the most genuine and down to Earth women I met while going through formal recruitment. Here I was, a bright eyed 17-year-old who took a leap and signed up for recruitment, not even knowing what that meant or what a sorority was (I seriously laugh about it now!). I was determined to have sisters being a semi-only child. I remember on Preference Night being so excited to sit and chat with my now big sister, as chatting with her seemed like we hadn't just met days ago. Also, that chapter house was one that dreams were made of.... well if they consisted of green carpet and wallpaper, but, man, was it gorgeous! The happiness and energy coming from that chapter house during recruitment was unlike the others.

  2. What positions did you hold as a collegian in the chapter? Umm...way too many. I have the DZ syndrome of saying yes and figuring it all out later.

  3. What was the most rewarding part of your collegiate experience in Delta Zeta The friendships I made then that I still have today. We have all grown up and built our lives. However, we are all close and supportive still. It amazes me how a choice I made then still has such an influence over life today. I still talk to my pledge sisters (some daily!), house roommates, or even those non-DZ friendships made then.

  4. How long have you been a member of PCCA? Two years - well technically I think one year as a paid member! :) I knew I was moving to the Frisco area, so I reached out and got connected with the DFW groups! Never be afraid to send an email to a chapter where you are going to be to have a warm welcome! Sometimes it includes enchiladas and wine when you are still unpacking!

  5. What has been the most rewarding part of your alumnae experience in Delta Zeta? Oh this one is tough... I'll have to start with the friendships made as an alumnae. I would have never have met some of these amazing women if it wasn't for the alumane chapter; PCCA and others. I wouldn't have continued to grow as a leader and person if it wasn't for an alumane chapter and the women in them. The other most rewarding part of being an alumna is the ability to work with the collegiate chapter (University of Texas at Dallas and University of Texas at Arlington). These women are such bright, courageous amazing young women who are going to do wonderful things in life. They make you laugh until your side hurts and challenge you to be better, even if they don't realize it. If you ever get the opportunity to spend any time with them, do it! You won't regret it!

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