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Preparing for Recruitment

Are you the parent of a junior or senior daughter who plans to go through sorority recruitment? There are a few things you can do now to prepare yourself and your daughter.

1. Make sure you are in good standing with Delta Zeta. You might be surprised by what you might find. Financial record keeping previous to the early 90's left a few disconnects between your chapter and national.

When you request a login at the DELTA ZETA NATIONALS website, they will confirm your standing before providing you with a passoword. Once you are able to login, you can recommend a potential new member and introduce a legacy using the online application. This is the easiest and most efficent way to get this information to the collegiate chapters.

2. Connect with Greek women in your community. These connections are helpful when securing letters of recommendations from sorority alumnae who know your daughter. There are several ways you can do this:

Join PCCA and connect with other Delta Zetas in the area. They can help expand your Greek network and provide feedback on a resume.

Join a local area Alumnae Panhellenic group. There are several in our area with open membership.

Attend the Dallas Alumnae Panhellenic open meeting in November

3. Encourage your daughter to connect with young women who have already graduated and are part of the Greek system.

This is the single most important thing your daughter can do right now. These young ladies will be able to provide advice and insight to the Greek system at the universities your daughter may attend. These personal connections, even if she isn't interested in that particular sorority, can prove invaluable once Greek women can no longer communicate with potential new members.

4. Help your daughter create her own personal brand. I know that it sounds so serious/formal, but it is important in today's world to have a positive image that goes along with your virtual image.

Go to The Sorority Life for some tips. This site is run by the National Panhellenic Conference and provides some great information.

Check back over the next few months for more tips, recruitment forum information, and other how-to's. And most importantly, have a great time sharing and bonding with your daughter as you share your own experiences in Delta Zeta.

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