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Giving is Enriching with the DZ Foundation

As a collegian you likely heard about the Delta Zeta Foundation, maybe even donated as a chapter. Younger alumnae may have donated via the 1902 Society, largely to get the dangle that was associated with your donation of $19.02. But, what do you really know about the mission/purpose of “The Foundation”. Here are a few facts:

The Delta Zeta Foundation was formed in 1961 as a non-profit, tax-exempt, 501(c)3 organization, and, as such, all donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. The msssion of The Foundation is to advance the Sorority’s educational and philanthropic purposes through the development of financial and human resources in support of the Sorority’s leadership, scholarship, philanthropic, and educational programs. A large portion of the budget falls into the four mentioned areas allowing grants from the Foundation to the National organization to fund such programs. In short, donations provided to The Foundation provide funding to advance Delta Zeta’s vision to be recognized as a premier women’s organization.

Funds donated to The Foundation are, of course, used to provide funds for scholarships and to our National Philanthropies and National Partners. However, they are also used to offset costs of various leadership programs for collegians and their advisors such as the Norma Minch Andrisek Leadership Conferences and Presidents and Alumnae Academies, as well as on-line resources such as Greek Life EDU and Mental Health EDU. Funds are also used to sponsor speakers at our National Convention. Alumnae in general can benefit from the Delta Zeta Crib Sheet app which is a source for DZ news as well as various life skills topics (check it out in your app store).

I personally donate to The Foundation as a way to give back to DZ for the opportunities I have been given, that I believe are due at least partially to the experience I gained as a collegian. I was an accounting major, and as chapter treasurer gained experience in preparing/monitoring budgets and preparing financial reports. My first job was a bank examiner (trainee) where I prepared spread sheets and analyzed financial information. What about you? Every donation helps our sorority be able to achieve our vision and be the premier women’s organization!

FIND OUT MORE about The Delta Zeta Foundation. or START DONATING today!

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