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Giving Graciously as a Volunteer

The Delta Zeta Creed states “May I give graciously of what is mine”. To some ‘what is mine’ might be financial but to the vast majority that means time. I, Kasey Long, volunteer my time to Delta Zeta as the Area Alumnae Director (AAD) of the Southwest Area (Texas and New Mexico). As AAD I get the awesome task of bringing more Delta Zeta alumnae back to DZ by joining alumnae chapters as well as starting new alumnae chapters. I have a great team of State Alumnae Chairman and State Coordinators who do such a wonderful job to help Texas and New Mexico fill those goals.

There are so many ways in which to volunteer for Delta Zeta! You could help on the alumnae side as an alumnae chapter officer, alumnae chapter Panhellenic delegate, Chapter Association Contact, coordinator for the state, be a national committee member or chairman, and many more. Or, you could volunteer on the collegiate side as a Collegiate Chapter Director, advisory member, membership specialist, and more.

So you might be saying “Great! Now I know some positions but what do they mean and how do I tell someone I want to volunteer?” Well that is all very simple, just call or email me! We can talk your passion for DZ and figure out where you would best fulfill that passion. Or you can fill out an alumnae volunteer form on the Southwest Area Delta Zeta website.

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