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University of Texas at Dallas College Panhellenic Council Career Night

DATE CHANGE: This event is now on April 19th!

The ladies of Pi Sigma were the masterminds behind this great idea that has now become a CPC event! But, they need our alumnae support to make it a success! On the evening of March 4th, the Greek ladies at the University of Texas at Dallas would like to hold their first CPC Career night event with local alumnae. Alumnae from sororities all over the metroplex will be there to network, mentor, and offer "real world" advice to collegians about the workplace.

Pi Sigma is looking for alumnae in various career fields, including engineering, medicine, finance, marketing, business adminstration, health systems, and speech pathology, to network and mentor the members in small groups by career field. For example, members interested in a business degree would like to be able to ask questions of alumnae in corporate America about the industry opportunities, what does it take to be successful, how did Delta Zeta play a role in your career or helping prepare you for the workplace. At this event, they will also be doing professional headshots to use on social media, have experts reviewing and critiquing resumes, etc.

If you are interested in participating and available on March 4th, Contact Angel Hawks- Pi Sigma CCD. Let's show these young ladies our support by participating in this wonderful event.

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