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Alumnae are essential to spreading the "truly Empowered" message to collegiate members. Given the right opportunities, each member can shine as an effective leader who helps others get things done and do great things. Alumnae demonstrate to collegians that we are empowered to lead and serve throughout the many stages of our experience in Delta Zeta and our communities- it is more than just 4 years!

We are looking for women just like you to adopt leadership roles within our chapter and inspire the next generation of Delta Zetas. Consider giving your time, talent, skills, and knowledge to support our sisterhood and empower fellow Delta Zetas and our communities to be more.

PCCA members are eligible to be nominated for any of the roles listed below. If you are interested in serving on the executive board or learning more, LET US KNOW.

Executive Board


Maintains communication with national office/AAD/SAC regarding reporting and “big picture” issues; functions as a communications hub for the chapter; presides at meetings; approves minutes; makes decisions on behalf of chapter when necessary. This is a two-year term and is not up for election in 2016.

Vice President of Programs:

With input from the chapter, plans and implements the meeting programs for the alumnae chapter; sends out communication with directions and information about each meeting; helps coordinate carpools for meetings. This is a one-year term.

VP of Membership/Secretary/Lamp Editor:

Determines recruitment and retention strategies for chapter and implements strategies; receives new member/renews member information sheets and maintains notebook; provides membership list when requested; takes minutes at formal meetings and sends to president for approval; submits information for The LAMP and our national website on an ongoing basis. This is a one-year term.


Pays bills/make financial gifts on behalf of the chapter, maintains chapter funds; reimburses members for expenses, provide twice-yearly balance sheet and income statement for chapter; receives and records member dues annually. This is a two-year term and is not up for election in 2016.

Public Relations and Media:

Maintains website and social media with current information about the alumnae chapter and the annual calendar, in accordance with guidelines from national office; follows website and social media brand identity guidelines. This is a one-year term.

Philanthropy Chair:

Determines and implements philanthropy projects on behalf of chapter for local and national philanthropies; collects donations when applicable and delivers to appropriate charities. This is a one-year term.

Scholarship Chair:

Head of the scholarship committee; determines and implements activities to support the raising of funds to support the PCCA scholarship; communicates application process to Region XII CCDs; assembles the scholarship committee to review eligible scholarship candidates and select the recipient. This is a one-year term.

Collegiate Relations Chair:

Determines and implements programs and activities for and including the local collegiate chapter and others as deemed appropriate; encourages participation in these programs and maintains communication channels with both the alumnae and collegiate chapter; serves as a liaison between chapters to ensure growth and success on all levels and to build the Delta Zeta lifetime commitment.

Panhellenic Delegate:

Represents the chapter and Delta Zeta in the local Alumnae Panhellenic Association (APH)- PCCA support the Plano-Richardson Alumnae Panhellenic Association; votes on behalf of Delta Zeta in designated APH; liaison between APH and the chapter; communicates national and local Panhellenic news and issues to the chapter.

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